WAVES$507781$ - tradução para espanhol
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WAVES$507781$ - tradução para espanhol

Waves (company); Waves Ltd; Waves Audio Ltd.

reserva de mujeres de la Marina de Guerra de los Estados Unidos creada originariamente en 1942 como una unidad voluntaria de mujeres para realizar trabajo eclesiástico y otros menesteres con el propósito de liberar a los hombre para el servicio activo durante la II Guerra Mundial
  • Lieutenant Harriet Ida Pickens and Ensign Frances Wills, the first African-American women to be commissioned into the WAVES
  • Representative Edith Nourse Rogers, of Massachusetts, is pictured in 1939 with other representatives.
Ada Comstock, President of Radcliffe College (1923–1943),<ref>Fowle</ref> a member of the Women's Advisory Council
  • Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1932)
  • Frank Knox, Secretary of the Navy in 1940
  • Ensign Winnie Breegle served in the WAVES as a cryptographer.
  • World War II recruiting poster showcasing the summer uniform
Waves (album); Waves (song); Waves (disambiguation); Waves (EP)
OLAS [Noun]
radio signal         
  • antenna]] (small dark vertical line in the center). The E and H fields are perpendicular, as implied by the phase diagram in the lower right.
Space wave; Radiowave; Hertz waves; Hertzian waves; Radio signal; Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields; Radio waves; Hertzian wave; Radio emission; Radiowaves; Health effects of radio waves; Effects of radio waves on the human body
(n.) = señal de radio
Ex: Then, in the 1930s extraterrestrial radio signals were detected, and during the last four decades a whole new intellectual area of science has developed, namely radio astronomy.


¦ plural noun the women's section of the US Navy.
acronym from Women Appointed (later Accepted) for Volunteer Emergency Service.


Waves Audio

Waves Audio Ltd. is a developer and supplier of professional digital audio signal processing technologies and audio effects, used in recording, mixing, mastering, post production, broadcast, and live sound. The company's corporate headquarters and main development facilities are located in Tel Aviv, with additional offices in the United States, China, and Taiwan, and development centers in India and Ukraine.

In 2011, Waves won a Technical Grammy Award.